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Explore Cancer News and Announcements from Gateway

Explore cancer news, helpful information, living better with cancer, and the latest news and announcements from Gateway.

Results 1-10 of 14

Blog Articles

Cancer Treatment Options

Common Types of Cancer Treatments Approved by Hunter Patton-Gentert, PharmD Just like there’s no single type of cancer, there’s also no single type of cancer treatment. Treatments vary depending on the type of cancer, cancer stage, and other factors.  If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, then it’s helpful to understand the […]

Blog Articles

A Guide to Cancer Staging

What Are the Stages of Cancer? Approved by Hunter Patton-Gentert, PharmD Cancer comes in a variety of forms and may affect each individual person differently. To determine the right treatment methods, doctors use “cancer staging” to gauge the extent and severity. What is Cancer Staging? Cancer staging is used to describe: The size of the primary […]

Blog Articles

The Benefits of a Cancer Screening

A Brief Guide to Cancer Screening Approved by Hunter Patton-Gentert, PharmD 1 in 3 people will have cancer in their lifetime, according to data collected by the CDC. That means the average person has a 33% chance of developing cancer, with risk increasing as they get older.  Since cancer is such a widespread disease, you may […]

Blog Articles

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer Approved by Hunter Patton-Gentert, PharmD Cancer is a disease in which mutated cells multiply rapidly. The mutated cells typically originate in one part of the body before invading other parts of the body as they multiply. You can learn more about cancer in our blog “What is Cancer?”.  The most well-known […]

Blog Articles

What is Cancer? Understanding the Disease and its Causes

What is Cancer? Approved by Hunter Patton-Gentert, PharmD Cancer is a disease in which the cells in your body grow uncontrollably, and spread invasively to other parts of your body.  There’s no single type of cancer, and the term actually refers to a large number of diseases that originate in different parts of the body. That […]

Blog Articles

What Causes Cancer? 10 Common Factors

Cancer Causes: 10 Most Common Factors Approved by Hunter Patton-Gentert, PharmD Cancer is caused by genetic mutations that make the cells multiply at an uncontrolled rate. There are many factors that cause these mutations, from genetic factors to environmental agitators. What Causes Cancer? Cancer is a range of diseases in which genetically damaged cells in your […]

Blog Articles

Why Giving to Cancer Research Matters

Why Giving to Cancer Research Matters That simple yet powerful statement is supported by these compelling facts: more than 15 million Americans are living with cancer, and 67 percent of them survive at least five years after diagnosis, according to National Cancer Institute estimates. As the mortality rate from cancer has declined steadily for the […]

Blog Articles

How Moles Turn Into Melanoma

How Moles Turn Into Melanoma People with more moles are more likely to develop melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. However, why a formerly benign mole changes into cancer has remained much of a mystery. Also up for debate was whether or not an “intermediate” stage exists (the stage between a normal mole and […]

Living Better with Cancer, Blog Articles

The Dangers of Googling Your Cancer Diagnosis

The Dangers of Googling Your Cancer Diagnosis If you’re diagnosed with cancer, let’s be honest. One of the first things you’re probably going to do is get on the computer and “Google” the diagnosis. It’s a fact of 21st-century life. And it’s not an inherently bad idea either. The Internet puts a wealth of information at your […]

Cancer News, Blog Articles

Comprehensive Guide on Cancer Immunotherapy – Gateway CR

Comprehensive Guide on Cancer Immunotherapy Cancer immunotherapy is an innovative cancer treatment option that utilizes the power of our body’s immune system to fight against the disease. Unlike conventional treatments, immunotherapy empowers your own biological defenses to identify and target cancerous cells, offering a personalized cancer treatment option. The FDA has approved cancer immunotherapy treatment […]