Explore Our Trials
Gateway for Cancer Research is one of the only nonprofits that exclusively funds innovative Phase I and Phase II cancer clinical trials for patients of all ages, regardless of cancer type. At the forefront of research and discovery, these early-phase trials are the first step in evaluating new cancer drugs, treatments, and therapies.
Blood Cancer
Personalizing DNA Damage in Multiple Myeloma
Personalizing DNA Damage in Multiple Myeloma Summary: There are over 30,000 patients who are newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma annually in the United States. Multiple myeloma patients that are fit enough are treated with high dose melphalan, a chemotherapeutic, followed by autologous stem cell transplant. This treatment strategy has not changed in 30 years, but […]
Craig Hofmeister, MD, MPH
Emory University
Brain Cancer
Personalized Risk-Adapted Therapy in Post-Pubertal Patients with Newly Diagnosed Medulloblastoma (PersoMed-I)
Personalized Risk-Adapted Therapy in Post-Pubertal Patients with Newly Diagnosed Medulloblastoma (PersoMed-I) Summary: Medulloblastoma is a rare brain cancer that predominantly affects children. However, it affects approximately 550 adults in the United States and 450 adults in Europe annually, with the majority being young adults. Treatment consists of surgical removal, radiation therapy, and maintenance chemotherapy. Treatment […]
Peter Hau, MD
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
Blood Cancer
Enhancing the metabolic function of CAR T cells for lymphoma
Enhancing the metabolic function of CAR T cells for lymphoma Summary: CAR T-cell therapy has changed the treatment paradigms of relapsed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) by demonstrating long term durability in approximately 40% of treated patients. CAR T-cell therapy is when a patient’s own T-cells (white blood cells that kill cancer cells) are collected […]
Gunjan Shah, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Brain Cancer
Phase I/II Study of Pamiparib (BGB-290) with Temozolomide in Recurrent Gliomas with IDH1/2 Mutations
Phase I/II Study of Pamiparib (BGB-290) with Temozolomide in Recurrent Gliomas with IDH1/2 Mutations Summary: IDH1/2 mutations are commonly found in adult gliomas. Gliomas with these mutations are thought to have a better prognosis than patients without the IDH1/2 mutations, but nearly all patients will eventually recur, and thus better options are needed. A recent […]
Ranjit Bindra, MD, PhD
Yale University
Head/Neck Cancer
A randomized phase 2 study of local ablation with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for patients with oligometastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC)
A randomized phase 2 study of local ablation with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for patients with oligometastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) Summary: Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare type of salivary gland tumor. Despite upfront aggressive treatment with surgery, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy, approximately 50% of patients develop distance metastases, and up to a […]
Jonathan Schoenfeld, MD, MPhil, MPH
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Solid Tumors
The Online Adaptation of Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (iCALM): A Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial
The Online Adaptation of Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (iCALM): A Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial Summary: Individuals and families living with advanced cancer face multiple challenges related to the disease and its treatment. These include managing distressing symptoms and side effects, navigating a complex healthcare system, making difficult treatment decisions, and planning for the […]
Gary Rodin, MD
University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Solid Tumors
ALRN-6924 and Paclitaxel in Treating Patients With Advanced, Metastatic, or Unresectable Solid Tumors
ALRN-6924 and Paclitaxel in Treating Patients With Advanced, Metastatic, or Unresectable Solid Tumors Summary: The protein, p53, is responsible for stopping cellular growth and inducing the self-destruction of unwanted cells. As a result, the gene encoding for p53, TP53, is classified as a tumor suppressor gene. Proteins such as MDM2 and MDMX can inhibit p53, […]
Ecaterina Dumbrava, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Thyroid Cancer
Targeted Therapy Combined with Pembrolizumab in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: Two Phase II Clinical Trials
Targeted Therapy Combined with Pembrolizumab in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: Two Phase II Clinical Trials Summary: Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is a rare thyroid cancer representing less than 2% of all thyroid cancers. However, it is one of the most lethal human malignancies with a historical median survival of 3 months after diagnosis. Recent advances in […]
Mark Zafereo, MD, FACS
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Brain Cancer
Clinical evaluation of IL13Rα2-targeted CAR T cell therapy in combination with nivolumab in patients with recurrent malignant glioma
Clinical evaluation of IL13Rα2-targeted CAR T cell therapy in combination with nivolumab in patients with recurrent malignant glioma Summary: Malignant gliomas (MG) are highly aggressive tumors with 5-year survival rates historically less than 10%. Despite aggressive standard of care therapy with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, it is almost inevitable that the disease will relapse, and […]
Christine Brown, PhD
City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
Lung Cancer
Phase 2 trial of the fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitor TVB-2640 for advanced KRAS mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Phase 2 trial of the fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitor TVB-2640 for advanced KRAS mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Summary: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with a mutation called KRAS occurs in approximately 40,000 patients in the U.S. each year. Patients with the KRAS mutation have a particularly poor prognosis with a 5-year survival […]
David Gerber, MD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center